Direo OyChange Management
Direo is a catalyst for renewal and a partner for sustainable growth for companies that want to innovate.
Renewal is not a choice, it is a necessity.Companies that are willing to invest in building renewal capability will gain a superior competitive advantage faster. The question is no longer whether a company should renew - but how quickly it does so. We bring new thinking and a systems approach to management. Direo brings together management teams and teams to look at a common understanding of competitiveness, whether priorities and focus areas are clear. Direo provides concrete support to build sustainable growth that turns renewal into a competitive advantage. The world is not waiting - is your company ready to take the lead?
Direon lähestymistapa on holistinen, käytännön läheinen ja ihmiset edellä etenevä suoraselkäinen toimintatapa muutosten johtamiseen. Direon ytimessä on tarjota edellytykset uudistumiskyvyn rakentumiseen ja pyrkiä taklaamaan juurisyitä. Rakennetaan yhteinen ymmärrys tavoitteista ja mitä sinne pääseminen tarkoittaa organisaation eri tasoilla. Systeeminen toimintatapa, tulevaisuuden ennakointi ja OKR-tavoitejohtamisen soveltaminen, tukevat prioriteettien edistämistä ja kykyä reagoida oikea-aikaisesti muutoksiin. Direo tuo vaihtoehtoisia ajattelutapoja toimintaan, edistää dialogiin, reflektioon ja oppimiseen perustuvaa muutosjohtamista.
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Elina is an entrepreneur and founder of Direo Oy with strong experience and understanding of customer-centric work and leadership in companies. As CEO of Direo, Elina is focused on building companies' capacity to innovate, believes that sustainable business people are the future success stories with the ability to build value chains that work in ecosystems. With a shared understanding of the direction, Elina walks alongside on the path of change, Encouraging the selection of priorities and the setting of measurable and impactful goals. Elina encourages and challenges in the right way, so that the approach that requires a capacity for change takes hold and the new way of thinking becomes part of the organization's operations. The ability to embrace change is the fuel that fuels the capacity for renewal.
"In my work supporting change lead, my aim is to create the ideal conditions for interaction where a shared understanding of direction is fostered. I believe that a systemic approach strengthens the company’s competitiveness and advances common goals across teams. I also believe that learning new is always beneficial ."
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Elina is a tough professional and yet a humanist with a big heart. That deep understanding of humanity and endless desire to learn new things about life is what makes her a good person and capable of meeting the rest of us. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the transformative force that changes the world. I am happy to say that we are friends.
The strength and capacity of a development lies in its people. Successful implementation requires a shared understanding of direction. At company, team and individual level. At the heart of Direo is creating interactive working practices with sufficient space for dialogue, reflection and learning.
The three perspectives thinking model
Successful change is led through a 'three perspectives' mindset: company, team, individual. This is used to build flexibility for mindset change, building renewal capacity and minimum viable implementation in the environment of choice.
The path of changeOnce the direction is mutually understood and the desired impact is known, the milestones are set and the multidisciplinary team moves from one stage to the next according to the game plan. Along the way, there is open communication about progress and obstacles, so that we can react in a timely manner and make new path choices if necessary.
Circles of learningIt makes sense to learn the habit of stopping regularly to share experiences and observations from stage to stage, learning together, from successes and failures. It is also valuable to share them with others. Reflection also makes it easier to achieve the objectives of the next stage. In essence, it is about managing your own work in a way that adds value to the team to achieve the agreed outcomes.
A Holistic approach to systems thinking in leading change
Applying M.Lippitt framework (1987) ”The managing Complex Change ”
Welcome to the Direo Change Management podcast series. The podcast is a frank discussion about change management in business, its challenges and alternative ways of building a more sustainable future. Important stuff but not in a hard-nosed way. Hosted by Elina Ali-Melkkilä, CEO of Direo.
Vieraina: Minna Hyrsky, vastuullisuuden asiantuntija ja kiertotalouden edelläkävijä sekä Michaela Ramm-Schmidt, yrittäjä, toimitusjohtaja, Whyco Oy
Kestävän liiketoiminnan edellytykset vaativat ajattelutapojen muutoksen. Miten rakentaa uudistumiskykyä vastuullisesti? Tavoitellaanko kunnianhimoisesti ratkaisuja ja uusia liiketoimintamalleja ilmastokriisiin, luontokadon ja eriarvoisuuden torjumiseksi – vai ollaanko edelleen osa ongelmaa?